6 dic 2010
Aurelia Aurita
jajaja escucho a mi madre y a mi abuela susurrar xD mi abuela se queja porque ando en bolas (tampoco la pavada, ropa interior) y mi madre pacientemente le dice "POBRECITA, ESTÁ SENTADA ESTUDIANDO MUERTA DE CALOR, NO LA JODAS" yes, SURE. No entiendo qué tiene mi abuela contra mi culo. Como que ella no tuviera uno. Que asco nacer en 1920, te hacía una persona bien rara
5 dic 2010
Put your THUMBS up in the AIR
put your THUMBS UP in the AIR !!!
Wen Designer !!
9 nov 2010
Como se que nadie lee esto, mucho no importa lo que escriba, como se que nadie escucha menos importa lo que digo, se que nadie me ve y por eso tampoco vale lo que hago pero la sensacion de creer que todos saben que estoy ahi es una cosa de no todos los dias.
Ser parte de algo o alguien se debe a muchas cosas, son tantas que no se me ocurriria nunca escribir todas por que siempre alguien encontrara alguna mas o alguna menos en esa lista.
Estar en tantos lados trae acarreado conocer y hacerce conocer ante miles de personas, contar las mismas historias si una y otra vez para que despues al seguir el camino se olvidan por algun lado, el crear historias nuevas todos los dias es "exagerar la verdad".
Alguno sabe cuanta gente conoci durante esta decada de experiencias inolvidables, cuanta gente recuerdo y cuanta no, cuanta gente me recuerda y cuanta no ?
Ahora es la etapa que mas cuesta, la de dar la espalda por un rato, la de poner mis cosas juntas y llevarlas a otro lado, mirar atras con una sonrisa por los recuerdos de este capitulo de la historia. Son tantos nombres que ponerlos no es necesario, recuerdo el por que estan aqui, el por que entraron a esta historia y el por que nunca van a salir de ella.
Life is awesome me dijo un amigo una y otra vez y es verdad, lo entendi de la manera que cada uno entiende las cosas, me di cuenta que lo que hacemos hace de nuestra vida algo maravilloso, el que no piensa asi es por que no hizo lo que debia en el momento que debia para que su vida sea como uno quiere, vivimos para morir, vivamos bien. Cada uno a su manera, cada uno tome su camino, el final es para todos lo mismo, hagamos de este regalo que nos dieron algo diferente.
Puedo seguir escribiendo tantas cosas ahora, es como uns descarga a tierra, total escriba lo que escriba se que nadie lo entendera a mi manera, y no encontrara sentido alguno a estas palabras.
Este soy yo, algo y alguien dificil de entender, o solamente diferente?
6 nov 2010
Kelly Slater X 10

Succes is not found in achievement or lost in failure it is discovered through the experiencing of the process.
You become what you repeatedly do because exellence is not an act of perfect but a practice.
And twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the waves that you didnt catch than by the ones you did.
So dream big, take risks, think differently because the pursiut of life is ... THE PURSUIT.
3 nov 2010
Andy Irons

It's not the waves you catch,
How hard or how strong.
It's the wind in your hair,
The ocean's song.
Knowing you can't,
Almost certain you can.
Endless blue,
With a bare sight of land.
Getting to know the oceans,
Dolphins and fish your friends.
Too many mistakes,
That you need now not mend.
The loss of all worries,
The bad, the worst.
Nothing is practiced,
Nothing rehearsed.
The surfer's only knowledge,
Of what's going on,
Is the coming of the waves,
In the wake of the dawn.
July 24, 1978 - November 2, 2010
1 nov 2010
Simplicity Is the Key to Happiness
25 oct 2010
23 oct 2010
20 oct 2010
From South to North
I was born in Argentina one of the southern countries of the world and after year of trying different cultures around South, Central America and Europe for the last 7 years its time to say that the most beautiful place i ever been is in the oposit side of the world one of the northern countries ever. Norway
14 oct 2010
No more baguette
26 sept 2010
Bernal ~ Buena Vida ~

Country: Argentina
Province: Buenos Aires
Partido: Quilmes
Founded: 1850
Declared city: 1960
Founder: Pedro Bernal
Government: Francisco Gutiérrez
Area Total 23.62 km2 (9.1 sq mi)
Elevation: 16 m (55 ft)
Population: Total 109,790
Density: 5,537.26/km2 (14,341.4/sq mi)
Time zone P (UTC-3)
- Summer (DST) O (UTC-2)
Código Postal: B1876
Website: www.quilmes.gov.ar
el Barrio. Bernal Buena Vida
24 sept 2010
ACL is the most commonly injured ligament of the knee. The injury is common during sports. Twisting of the knee is a common cause of over-stretching or tearing the ACL. When the ACL is injured one may hear a popping sound and the leg may suddenly give out. Besides swelling and pain, walking may be painful and the knee will feel unstable. Minor tears of the anterior cruciate ligament may heal over time, but a torn ACL requires surgery. After surgery, recovery is prolonged and low impact exercises are recommended to strengthen the joint.
4 abr 2010

All the things we've done,
People that we know,
Places we've been.
No matter what,
We stick together.
And I've been hangin' round,
With the kind of people,
You warned me about,
And I turned out just like them.
They're my friends,
And no matter what,
Through thick or thin.
We stick together.
The times we had.
We like to FUCK around,
And sometimes I know we go too far,
That's just who we are.
You find out, who you're real friends are.
They're the ones who stick around,
When everything goes wrong.
And I've been hangin' round,
With the kind of people,
You warned me about,
And I turned out just like them.
The times we had.
Some of it went well,
And some of it was hell.
The times we had.
Us against the world.
And we stick together.
To all of my friends who are gone,
I never will forget you.
I feel lucky that I met you.
We fought sometimes.
And I hope I live up to,
The dreams we had,
When we were kids.
'Cause sometimes it was hell,
And other times we felt like kings.
And no matter what,
When things went wrong,
We stuck together.
And I've been hangin' round,
With the kind of people, you warned me about,
And I turned out just like them.
The times we had.
All of my friends.
I'm glad I turned out to be just like them
22 mar 2010
20 feb 2010
The Beginning

After a couple of days in Costa Rica with my Dad & Mum around January of 1999 i saw that Santa Teresa could be my second home, or my first one after 7 years of Pura Vida in my life, i become me, i become FREE i become the guy whos gonna tell the stories about my FREE LIFE, i know you will understand
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